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  • Posted : 8/14/2012 12:00:00 AM - Library Notice – KMK

    To all students, Pleased be informed that during Compact Semester Examination Period (2011/2012) students with library obligations such as library fines, damaged, unreturned or lost books will not be allowed to Print their KMK card (KARTU MATA KULIAH) in BINUS MAYA and their name on the list of examinees will be marked as follows: LKC-1:Overdue book(s) LKC-2:Unsettled library fines LKC-3: Lost Book(s)/Damaged Book(s) In case the student name have the LKC marks, their KMK card will be hold by the Academic Staff which may cause delays on their examination schedule. We advise you to please check your library account through BINUS MAYA or Library Website. In case you have obligation, please settle your accountability before the examination period to avoid inconvenience. Thank you. Library and Knowledge Center

  • Posted : 7/10/2012 12:00:00 AM - Library Service hours

    To All library Users: We would like to inform you that Anggrek; Kijang & JWC libraries will be closed on July 11, 2012 in observance of Election of Governor in Jakarta (PILKADA) Our regular service will resume on Thursday, July 12, 2012 08.00 AM – 06.PM Thank you Library & Knowledge Center

  • Posted : 7/5/2012 12:00:00 AM - Library Service hours

    June 29, 2012 To All library Users: In line with student holiday on July 4 – September 15, 2012, the Library service hours will be as follows : July 4 – September 15,2012 Monday – Friday 08.00 AM – 6.00PM Saturday 09.00 AM – 3.00 PM The library regular service hours will resume on Monday September 17, 2012. Thank you Library & Knowledge Center

  • Posted : 6/18/2012 12:00:00 AM - Library service hours

    Announcement No. : 036/Mgr.LKC/VI/2012 June 13, 2012 To All library Users: In line with student holiday on June 19 2012, the Library service hours will be as follows : June 19, 2012 Tuesday 8: 00 A.M – 5:00 P.M The library regular service hours will resume on Wednesday June 20, 2012. Thank you Library & Knowledge Center

  • Posted : 6/9/2012 12:00:00 AM - “Library Notice – KMK”

    To all students, Pleased be informed that during final Semester Examination Period (2011/2012) students with library obligations such as library fines, unreturned and lost books will not be allowed to Print their KMK card (KARTU MATA KULIAH) in BINUS MAYA and their name on the list of examinees will be marked as follows: LKC-1:Overdue book(s) LKC-2:Unsettled library fines LKC-3:Lost Book(s) In case the student name have the LKC marks, their KMK card will be hold by the Academic Staff which may cause delays on their examination schedule. We advise you to please check your library account through BINUS MAYA or Library Website in case you have obligation, please settle before the examination period to avoid inconvenience. Thank you. Library and Knowledge Center

  • Posted : 5/30/2012 12:00:00 AM - PENGUMUMAN : Batas Akhir Pengumpulan Resensi Buku Perpustakaan Bank Indonesia 2012

    PENGUMUMAN : Batas Akhir Pengumpulan Resensi 1 Juni 2012 Pengumuman pemenang dilakukan pada awal Juli 2012 Pemenang terbagi atas 2 (dua) Kelompok kategori yaitu : 1. Kelompok pegawai Bank Indonesia, dosen, karyawan UPH dan UBINUS 2. Kelompok mahasiswa UPH dan UBINUS. Pemenang dari setiap kelompok dari masing-masing subjek buku akan menerima: • Piagam Penghargaan • Hadiah: Pemenang I senilai Rp. 2.500.000,- Pemenang II senilai Rp. 2.000.000,- Pemenang III senilai Rp. 1.500.000,- Panitia juga menyediakan hadiah berupa voucher kepada 10 nominee dari seluruh peserta.

  • Posted : 5/16/2012 12:00:00 AM - Library Service Hour

    Announcement No. : 032/Mgr.LKC/V/2012 May 16, 2012 To All library Users: In line with student holiday on May 18, 2012, the Library service hours will be as follows : May 18, 2012 Friday 8: 00 A.M – 5:00 P.M The library regular service hours will resume on Saturday May 19, 2012. Thank you

  • Posted : 4/22/2012 12:00:00 AM - LOMBA PENULISAN RESENSI BUKU Perpustakaan Bank Indonesia 2012

    KETENTUAN LOMBA 1.Lomba dibuka untuk pegawai Bank Indonesia dan dosen/karyawan/mahasiswa UPH dan UBINUS. 2.Daftar buku yang akan diresensi meliputi subjek berikut ini: •Ekonomi •Perbankan •Hukum •Manajemen/Umum Untuk daftar buku yang diresensi hubungi PIC BINUS Ibu Wulan (021) 5350 660 ext 2164 atau email 3.Peserta diperbolehkan memilih lebih dari satu subjek. 4.Pendaftaran melalui telepon: (021) 5350660 ext. 2164/Ibu Wulan atau e-mail 5.Lima puluh pendaftar pertama diperbolehkan memilih buku yang akan diresensi dan pendaftar selanjutnya akan ditentukan judul bukunya oleh Panitia. 6.Buku yang diresensi dapat dipinjam selama 1 (satu) minggu dan buku untuk peserta dari luar Jakarta akan dikirim melalui pos. 7.Hasil resensi dikirim melalui email kepada panitia ( dalam bentuk file MS Word 8. Resensi yang telah diterima tidak dapat dikembalikan dan Panitia berhak mempublikasi¬kan di website Perpustakaan Ba

  • Posted : 4/14/2012 12:00:00 AM - Library service hours

    April 11, 2012 To All library Users: In line with student holiday on April 16, 2012, the Library service hours will be as follows : February 16, 2012 Monday 8: 00 A.M – 5:00 P.M The library regular service hours will resume on Tuesday April 17, 2012. Thank you Library & Knowledge Center

  • Posted : 4/14/2012 12:00:00 AM - Library Notice - KMK

    Announcement No. : 026/Mgr.LKC/IV/2012 To all students, pleased be informed that during the mid semester examination period (2011/2012) students with library obligation such as library fines, unreturned and lost book(s) will not be allowed to print their KMK card (KARTU MATA KULIAH) through BINUS MAYA and their name on the list of examinees will be marked as follows: LKC-1:Overdue book(s) LKC-2:Unsettled library fines LKC-3 : Lost Book(s) If your name have the LKC marks, your KMK card will be put on hold by the Academic Staff which may cause delays on your examination schedule. Please check your Binus Maya account prior to the examination period to avoid inconvenience. The library will only issue the “Surat Bebas Pustaka” after you have settled your library obligation. Thank you Library and Knowledge Center

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