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cov 202110022.jpeg

Managerial accounting.

AuthorGarrison, Ray H., Noereen, Eric W., Brewer, Peter C.
Edition17th Edition
PublisherMcGraw Hill
DDC658.151 1 Gar ,m
Rack Number

Interpersonal communication : where minds meet.

AuthorReardon, Kathleen K.
PublisherThomson Wadsworth
DDC153.6 Rea ,i
Rack Number

Using psychology : principles of behavior and your life.

AuthorHolland, Morris, Tarlow, Gerald
Edition2nd Edition
PublisherLittle, Brown and company
DDC150 Hol ,u
Rack Number

Kecerdasan emosi untuk mencapai puncak prestasi.

AuthorGoleman, Daniel
PublisherPT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
DDC152.4 Gol ,k
Rack Number

Mazhab ketiga : psikologi humanistik Abraham Maslow.

AuthorGoble, Frank G.
DDC150.924 Gob ,m
Rack Number

Basic Kanji book.Volume I

AuthorBasic Kanji book, Chieko, Kano ... [et al.]
Edition3rd Edition
DDC495.611 Bas ,
Rack Number

Kecerdasan emosional.

AuthorGoleman, Daniel
PublisherPT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
DDC152.4 Gol ,k
Rack Number

C how to program.

AuthorDietel, Paul J., Deitel, Harvey M.
Edition6th Edition
PublisherPearson Prentice Hall
DDC005.133 [CLA] Dei ,C
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Snow country = daerah salju.

AuthorYasunari Kawabata
PublisherGagas Media
DDC895.63 Yas ,s
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cov 1305012.JPG

Data mining : concepts and techniques.

AuthorHan, Jiawei, Kamber, Micheline, Pei, Jian
Edition3rd Edition
PublisherMorgan Kaufmann Publishers
DDC005.74 Han ,d
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Marketing management.

AuthorKotler, Philip, Keller, Kevin Lane, Chernev, Alexander
Edition16th Edition
PublisherPearson Education Limited
DDC658.8 Kot ,m
Rack Number
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Management information systems.

AuthorLaudon, Kenneth C., Laudon, Jane P.
Edition12th Edition
PublisherPearson Education
DDC658.403 801 1 Lau ,m
Rack Number
business ethics0001.jpg

Business Ethics: A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach.

AuthorWeiss, Joseph W
Edition5th Edition
PublisherCengage Learning
DDC174.4 Wei ,b
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financial institutions.jpg

Financial institutions and markets.

AuthorMadura, Jeff
Edition10th Edition
PublisherCengage Learning
DDC658.15 Mad ,f
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International Management0001.jpg

International management : managing across borders and cultures.

AuthorDeresky, Helen
Edition9th edition
PublisherPearson Education Limited
DDC658.049 Der ,i
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business and pro0001.jpg

Business and professional ethics for directors, executives & accountants.

AuthorBrooks, Leonard J., Dunn, Paul
Edition8th edition
PublisherCengage Learning
DDC174.9 Bro ,b
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Partial least squares konsep, teknik dan aplikasi menggunakan program smartpls 3.0 (ST-117).

AuthorImam Ghozali, Hengky Latan
Edition2nd Edition
PublisherBadan penerbit Universitas Diponegoro
DDC001.42 Ima ,p
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cov 1912029 .jpg

Strategic management and competitive advantage : concepts and cases.

AuthorBarney, Jay B., Hesterly, William S.
Edition6th Edition
PublisherPearson Education
DDC658.4 Bar ,s
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leadership peter0001.jpg

Leadership: theory and practice.

AuthorNorthouse, Peter G.
Edition8th edition
PublisherSage Publications
DDC303.34 Nor ,l
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Crafting and executing strategy: the quest for competitive advantage concept and cases.

AuthorCrafting and executing strategy: the quest for competitive advantage concepts and cases, Thompson, Arthur A...[et al.].
Edition22th Edition
PublisherMcgraw-hill education
DDC658.401 2 Cra ,
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Statistical techniques in business and economics.

AuthorLind, Douglas A., Marchal, William G., Wathen, Samuel A.
Edition19th Edition
PublisherMcGraw Hill
DDC519.5 Lin ,s
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Export-import theory, practices, and procedures.

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Edition3rd Edition
DDC382 Sey ,e
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Elementary Chinese : comprehensive course (I) Worksheets 1.

AuthorWei Xinhong
PublisherBeijing Language and Culture University
DDC495.183 Wei ,e
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cov 2101068.jpeg

Operations management : sustainability and supply chain management.

AuthorHeizer, Jay, Render, Barry, Munson, Chuck
Edition13th Edition
DDC658.5 Hei ,o
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Entrepreneurial finance.

AuthorLeach, J. Chris, Melicher, Ronald W.
Edition7th Edition
PublisherCengage Learning
DDC658.15 Lea ,e
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cov 2211141.jpg

Xinsilu : chuji shangwu hanyu zonghe jiaocheng II = New silk road : an integrated course in elementary business Chinese II.

AuthorXinsilu : chuji shangwu hanyu zonghe jiaocheng II = New silk road : an integrated course in elementary business Chinese II, Editors: Li Xiaoqi, Zhang Xin
Edition1st Edition
PublisherPeking University Press
DDC495.182 421 Xin ,
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cov 2212072.jpg

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PublisherPearson Education Limited
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cov 2306008.jpg

Financial services technology : processes, architecture, and solutions.

AuthorDuran, Randall E.
Edition2nd Edition
PublisherCengage Learning
DDC332.170 85 Dur ,f
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Organizational behavior.

AuthorRobbins, Stephen P., Judge, Timothy A.
Edition19th Edition
DDC658.3 Rob ,o
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One up on wall street : how to use what you already know to make money in the market.

AuthorLynch, Peter, Rothchild, John
PublisherSimon & Schuster
DDC332.632 2 Lyn ,o
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AuthorWitte, Robert.S, Witte, John.S.
Edition11th Edition
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons Singapore
DDC519.5 Wit ,s
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Digital marketing: quickstart guide.

AuthorSweeney, Benjamin
PublisherClydeBank Media
DDC658.872 Swe ,d
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Berjuta rasanya.

AuthorTere Liye
PublisherMahaka Publishing
DDC899.221 32 Ter ,b
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Cov 201712054.jpg

Sang alkemis = the alkemis.

AuthorCoelho, Paulo
PublisherPT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
DDC823 Coe ,s
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Entrepreneurial marketing : an effectual approach.

AuthorNijssen, Edwin J.
DDC658.8 Nij ,e
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cov 1904054.jpg

Sebuah seni untuk bersikap bodo amat.

AuthorManson, Mark
PublisherPT. Grasindo
DDC158.1 Man ,s
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Furniture for interior design.

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PublisherLaurence King
DDC729 Boo ,f
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31 Museum di Jawa Barat + Banten.

AuthorEdi Dimyati
PublisherPT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
DDC069.5 Edi ,m
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Illustration : a theoretical and contextual perspective.

AuthorMale, Alan
Edition2nd Edition
PublisherBloomsbury Visual Arts
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cov 2203050.jpg

Ikigai : rahasia hidup bahagia dan panjang umur orang Jepang.

AuthorGracia, Hector, Miralles, Francesc
PublisherRene Turos Indonesia
DDC613 Gra ,i
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Management information systems : managing the digital firm.

AuthorLaudon, Kenneth C., Laudon, Jane P.
Edition17th Edition
DDC658.403 801 1 Lau ,m
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Cov 2407043.jpg

Content production for digital media : an introduction.

AuthorThompson, Jay Daniel, Weldon, John
DDC384.5 Tho ,c
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cov 1811094.jpg

Sherlock Holmes : the complete novels and stories. Volume I.

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PublisherBantam Books
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Edition12th Edition
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cov 2307023.jpg

Understanding digital societies.

AuthorUnderstanding digital societies, Editor: Perriam, Jessamy, Carter, Simon
Edition1st Edition
PublisherSage Publications
DDC303.483 3 Und ,
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The art and science of UX design : a step-by-step guide to designing amazing user experiences.

AuthorConta, Anthony
Edition1st Edition
PublisherNew Riders Publishing
DDC005.437 Con ,a
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AuthorOzsungur, Fahri
Edition1st Edition
DDC658.4 Ozs ,m
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Cov 2410019.jpg

Sejarah dan budaya kuliner Indonesia.

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PublisherPusaka Rasa Nusantara
DDC641.595 98 Sej ,
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Cov 2410020.jpg

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AuthorKeanekaragaman bahan pangan Indonesia, Abdullah Zed Munabari...[et al.]
PublisherPusaka Rasa Nusantara
DDC641.3 Kea ,
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Teknik masak nusantara.

AuthorTeknik masak nusantara, Abdullah Zed Munabari...[et al.]
PublisherPusaka Rasa Nusantara
DDC641.5 Tek ,
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Cov 2410022.jpg

Resep masakan tradisional Indonesia.

AuthorResep masakan tradisional Indonesia, Abdullah Zed Munabar...[et al.]
PublisherPusaka Rasa Nusantara
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Basic Kanji book.Volume I

AuthorBasic Kanji book, Chieko, Kano ... [et al.]
Edition3rd Edition
DDC495.611 Bas ,
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Basic Kanji book.Volume 2

AuthorBasic Kanji book, Kano, Chieko, Eriko Ishii
Edition3rd Edition
DDC495.611 Bas ,
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Japan in 1926-37 & 1948-85 trade isolation.

AuthorMichiko, Ikeda
DDC330.952 Mic ,j
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Teori kepribadian : Theories of personality. buku 2.

AuthorFeist, Jess, Feist, Gregory J.
PublisherSalemba Humanika
DDC155.2 Fei ,t
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Psikologi kepribadian.

AuthorPurwa Atmaja Prawira
PublisherAr-ruzz media
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Psikologi perkembangan.

AuthorMakmun Khairani
PublisherAswaja pressindo
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cov 1703019.jpg

The guidance of teaching to speakers of other languages = duiwai hanyu jiaoxue rumen.

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PublisherZhongstan University Press
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PublisherPenguin Books
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Teori dan riset media siber (cybermedia).

AuthorRulli Nasrullah
PublisherPrenadamedia Group
DDC006.754 Rul ,t
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Jing mao zhong ji han yu kou yu. shang = Business Chinese conversation. intermediate.

AuthorHuang Wei Zhi
Edition4th Edition
PublisherBeijing Chubanshe
DDC495.183 4 Hua ,j
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